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Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
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Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
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Team management
API integrations
Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
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3 active projects
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Team management
API integrations
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Explore Maze together, for free lifetime.
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3 active projects
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Team management
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$28 /month
$80 /month
$128 /month

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feature 4

No-bloat email marketing

Whether you have 5,000 Shopify customers waiting for a discount or 50,000 subscribers anticipating your Black Friday promotions. BlueReceipt is the platform built for a lifetime of success.
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No credit checks or founder guarantee.
Bring in external data automations.
Send automated activation emails
Sort through contacts based on content preferences.
No coding required
Enable two-factor authentication emails

Don't take our word for it.

Send emails to your contacts based on Tags, or the form they submitted, and send more personalized emails.
Muhammad H.
"An easy to use, straightforward gamification platform."
Jaimie M
"Amazing Gamification and Rewards Platform, and an amazing team behind it!"
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Elyse A.
Marketing Manager
"Our newsletter and email marketing campaign are fully automated and can be scheduled for the next 2 months within hours. We are very happy that we can have a full control on the leads and verification on the leads."
Salman S.
Software Engineer
"Playful approach to customer engagement! Customizable gamification, diverse rewards, easy-to-use dashboard, and powerful automation tools."
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Steve McQuillen
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Kevin Martin
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Julia Yang
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
John Tseng
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”
Rebeca Smith
Founder, TechMatter
“With shelter-in-place, Patreon has become a great source of income for 140,000 creators. But as we’ve scaled, with every new release we spent up to 4 days implementing or fixing analytics.”

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What does a Squarespace subscription include?

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We offer a free 14-day trial so you can explore our platform, begin building a site, and decide if you're ready to subscribe to Squarespace.

How do I get started with Squarespace?

Everyone has unique needs for their website, so there’s one way to know if Squarespace is right for you: try it!

We offer a free 14-day trial so you can explore our platform, begin building a site, and decide if you're ready to subscribe to Squarespace.

Can I move to Squarespace from another platform?

Everyone has unique needs for their website, so there’s one way to know if Squarespace is right for you: try it!

We offer a free 14-day trial so you can explore our platform, begin building a site, and decide if you're ready to subscribe to Squarespace.

Can someone build my website for me?

Everyone has unique needs for their website, so there’s one way to know if Squarespace is right for you: try it!

We offer a free 14-day trial so you can explore our platform, begin building a site, and decide if you're ready to subscribe to Squarespace.

Turn first-time buyers into loyal customers.

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