Product Updates

New Month, New Releases. October Updates Are Here!

August 28, 2024
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October might be the month of Halloween but we all know there is nothing scarier than being unable to get the conversion rate up. The great thing is you can always find things to change that would help you optimize your conversion rate.

When it comes to optimizing the conversion rate of your online store, you need to find room for improvement.

In short: the tweaks that you need to do to increase the numbers.

In some cases, this involves more than a tweak. Such as rewriting an entire page or buying the right ecommerce theme for your website. But in other cases, tweaking your layout can make some serious improvements—each case is different.

There are always adjustments and enhancements you can apply on your platform to optimize the conversion rate. It goes without saying that this applies to your loyalty program as well. Even the smallest changes can easily contribute to increasing your conversion rate.

This month's updates focus heavily on increasing your customers' engagement and interactions within your platform.

So what's new?

1- A Brand New Type of Challenge Called "Daily Activity Streak"


Do you ever wish your customers would keep logging in to your platform on a daily basis?

Well..we have some good news for you! You can now get your players to develop a certain habit such as logging in to your platform every day. This is what the streak challenge is for. It basically motivates your players by rewarding them for repeating the same kind of action every day. For example, You can reward a player with 300 points for completing a 5-day login streak.

Learn how to create a Daily Streak Challenge here!

2- Control over Challenge Achievement Rate per Player


When creating an Event-based or a High Score challenge, you are given the option to set the number of times a player can achieve this challenge, however, you weren't able to choose the number of times they can achieve the challenge within a certain time interval. Well, not anymore! Now you can choose the number of times you want the player to win any of the mentioned challenges within a certain period.

For example, you can create an Event-based challenge where the player wins 1000 points every time they complete an order that exceeds 50 dollars, in addition, you can specify that they are able to win the reward once a week only, three times per month, or maybe 10 times a year if that's what you find best.


Here is how to create a challenge and set a limit for the number of times a player can win a challenge.

3- Reminder Notifications for Points Expiry

reminder-notification-and-email-for points-expiry

If you checked July's updates, you will find that the Gameball team has been focusing on points expiry. Not only that, they made sure that you're able to set an expiry period for the points that a player earns, and you also can display it in the widget right under where the player's points are.

We realize that this might not be enough. This is why you are now able to notify the players 15 days before their points are about to expire through an in-app notification or an email. All you need to do is navigate to the notifications section on the Gameball dashboard, write down the notification or email, and activate it.

Here is how to create and activate an in-app notification and emails for points expiry.

4- Ability to Duplicate a Challenge


Upon requests and feedback we've received from many customers, we have added the function to recreate a challenge. You no longer have to configure a new challenge from scratch, with just one click you can duplicate any of the configured challenges, then you can edit and apply any minor changes you want on that newly duplicated challenge. We have added this option to save some of your time and effort.

You can duplicate the challenge from the main challenges page or from the inner page of a specific challenge. Learn how to duplicate a challenge here.

5- Enhanced Challenges Listing Page


For those who like creating many challenges for their players to explore and achieve, we understand the struggle of navigating between the many pages just to find an old challenge that was previously created.

Looking through your existing challenges has never been easier. Gameball cares about these small but annoying details, that's why we decided to change the way the existing challenges are displayed. Now, the challenges are displayed in the form of smaller cards allowing you to view more than 20 challenges per page. And guess what! the cards now display even more information such as the repeatability, the number of times the challenge has been achieved, and the number of players who achieved it.

Not only that! you can also apply some small edits like duplicate, activate or deactivate, or delete the challenge all without having to navigate to the challenge's profile page.


As always, stay tuned for our monthly updates as more exciting updates are in the works. We are trying hard to always enhance our experience and fulfill all your requests and needs.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please send us an email to

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