Product Updates

What’s new with Gameball in October?

August 28, 2024
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At Gameball, we are always working on enhancing our product; adding new features, optimizing and fixing them. We are restless and we want you, our loyal store owners, to keep up with our updates, because we might be adding that feature you've asked for or even just thought of ;)

What's New in the October 2020 update?

1. Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration

If you are using Zapier on your platform for workflows or automation, you can now use Gameball to engage and reward your players with a few simple clicks.

Using Gameball with Zapier allows you to do send events to Gameball in order to reward your players for completing and performing certain actions on hundreds of other platforms like subscribing on a newsletter, clicking on a link inside an email, and much more!

Learn more in our Help Center.

2. Scheduling Challenges

Scheduled Challenges

Now you can create and schedule new badges to award to your customers at specific times of the year.

How does this work?

You can give your customers (aka players) a reward challenge based on specific important dates during the year.

For example, you can reward your players on your brand's anniversary, New year's day, Christmas, or any holiday without having to do any manual work! Just schedule the reward ahead of time and we'll take it from there. Also, this can reoccur every year without any extra work from your end.

Learn more in our Help Center.

3. Introducing Communities for our Guru plan


Currently, players are sorted on the leader board based on their score only. What if an app has player communities/player groups?

This is why we are introducing Community-based leader boards, which will show a leader board ranking players based on their score only in the community they are assigned to.

On Gameball, a community will be used to enable players to see their rank among players in their community and enable them to see their community's rank among other communities.

This is exclusive to our Guru plan members.

Learn more in our Help Center.

4. Widget "How it works" Update

Ways to spend

We updated the "Ways to Spend" section in "How it works" to include the new redemption rules.

To read more about the new redemption rules check this link.

5. Performance Optimization

Performance optimization

This month we dedicated a chunk of time to do our maintenance round. We even paused progress on some of our work-in-progress features to focus on optimizing our app.

For this month, we looked back on our systems to make sure that our product is performing up to our standards.

Having new features is cool and all, but we understand that slow and steady is what wins the race.

Software being “Done” is like lawn being “Mowed”.

Jim Benson

6. New Gameball SDKs

Last but definitely not least, we introduced new Gameball SDKs.

Read all about it here


As always, stay tuned for our monthly updates as more exciting updates are coming!

We are trying hard to always enhance our experience and to fulfill all our clients’ requests and needs.

If you have any comments, please send us an email to

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